Thursday, October 28, 2021

Phase 1: The Tricksters Hat COMPLETED

Well after too long I finally did my Phase 1 of The Tricksters Hat.

I'm not unhappy with it but I'll see what happens going forward.

Getting with my friend Michelle and we will swap and continue.

Here's mine so far.

Til next time, 



Sunday, October 10, 2021

Phase 1: The Tricksters Hat


.Anyone going to join in for this. I see no one has commented.

I ran across an exercise in Collaging that was in the book THE TRICKSTERS HAT by Nick Bantock.

If you've never read any of Nick's books they are wonderful,  interactive, brain and  intriguing books. You should check them out. Maybe after I finish what I have in mind today and what follows I'll do something with his books. He also designed some fun and quirky rubber stamps. I am not sure if you can still find them but it would be worth the search.


Just in case you have a thumbs twittling day ahead of you, may I be so bold as to suggest you have a go at this exercise from The Tricksters Hat. You don't have to be a practiced artist to get started, its designed for everyone regardless of age or skill level.

First and foremost before we begin you need a friend to participate in this with you. A neighboring artist somebody you see often or if you want to do it through the mail you can but it will take longer, its up to you.  I'm going to do this with my friend Sheila we spend at least one sometimes two days a week having Makey days.


-White board anywhere between  12x10" or 13x16"

-acrylic paints  (make sure you have a  blue)

-matte medium 

-chalk pastels

-Supply of varied old magazines for ripping and tearing 

-black and white gesso or paint

-a largish brush

-colored pencils or crayons 

-tissue paper and other ephemera for collaging (this is a 2D project by the way)


Okay here we go, Phase 1

-Select any tube of paint using a thin mix solution of that color, quickly cover half of your board with the largish brush (keep in mind that there are many different ways to cover a half).

- Take a colored pencil or crayon and scribble rapidly on the remaining white half of the board.

-Add a red triangle 🔺️. 

-Add a number ( hand drawn or from a torn piece of magazine or newspaper.

- Add another bigger number, this time making it touch up against the edge of your board.

- Pick a chalk pastel, draw into half of the remaining white area and rub it in with your fingers.

- Tear out a figure from a magazine could be human or animal and adhere it to your board.

-Select another tube of paint. Mix that color with a little black and a little white.  Use this mix color to paint out the remaining area of white on your board.

Don't get too precise about any of these instructions we are really just building the ground in order to create some layers.

- Squeeze a small amount of blue paint on to the heel of your hand, then without thinking about placement bang it down onto your picture three times.

- Tear a piece of tissue and paste it down onto your piece with matte medium, then paint back over the top of the tissue with more matte medium.  (When it dries not only will it be well stuck, it will be sealed in so that you will be able to continue to work over the top of it.)

- Quickly scan your ephemera and magazines looking for a map or a diagram tear a corner section out and put it in one of the corners of your picture or board whichever you're calling it.

- Go back to your magazines and ephemera and look for something "unexpected" put it in the opposite corner to the map/diagram.

But now the picture may be a messy. MESSY IS O.K.  We are just developing the necessary layers.

- Find a largish letter (alphabet not mail) cut it in half,  and add it to your picture so that the two cut sections are butted up against different edges.

- STOP! Look at what you've done so far. Push any judgment from your mind. Just absorb what's there without taking critical responsibility. Wait until you see an area that you'd like to add to or change. Ignore the little voice that says "All of it!" 

-Simply decide on the one part that needs something different. Then paint or collage as you wish.

You have now reached Phase 2.

And that is for another day.

You and your partner should be at the same Phase.



                                            Seth Apter

Til the next time... 



Friday, October 8, 2021

Van Gogh and more

I knew that after my obligation to Effie was over I wouldn't keep up on my I have to thank Effy for pushing me into doing it for at least a month thank you so much and I hope you has a really great birthday month!!!

I watercoloured this card for my Mother-in-Law for no reason except that I had Van Gogh on the brain.

 I went to the Vincent van Gogh Immersive Exhibit. It was one of the best art shows I've ever been to. I know it was extremely different from anything else put out but I love Van Gogh. Putting his paintings to music and moving them around all over the walls and floor and mirrors. It was amazing!!! I thought you'd only get an hour in the exhibition hall that was the way it was set up when you bought the tickets. But when you went inside they told us we could stay as long as we want and since I brought my wheelchair with me so I have comfortable place to sit, warning from another friend of mine, and I did take it cuz I need it I sat and watched and watched at least three Cycles I tried to film but different people were walking and milling around all over the place. 
 I got a lot of them and just when I thought I was going to stop one came up with one of my favorite French songs so I had to keep filming I know I overfilmed but when I got home I  moved them over to my computer and now I'll be able them the way I like.  They obviously had an overpriced gift shop On the way out they had this cool  gigantic paintbox with huge tubes of paint in them that you could if you stand in front of or lean against and get your picture taken try. I tried to take a selfish but mine never turn out well, my arms are too short. The best thing was a fake giant bucket of spilled paint tipped over with a big paint brush, you could crawl inside there and stand on the paintbrush and get your picture taken since ,I went to the exhibit myself I didn't have anyone to take my pic and I really hated to ask a stranger because it would take me so long to craw inside there so I took a picture of the bucket but who knows maybe I'll be able to paste myself over it doing that LOL, funny to think me, Miss Technology trying to figure out how to do that.

 Then there were some videos on the wall all the different things the colors he used the women who or his Muses and the different places that he painted it was an amazing amazing show.
Even though it was an expensive show I'm thinking I might go back and see it again. I just loved it and of course I bought something from the gift shop  so I got a few post cards of my fav paintings and then I splurged on a baseball cap of Starry Night.

                      CREATE IT

Til tomorrow, 




Thursday, September 30, 2021

Day 29 with Effy posted on 30th

So I tried to type stuff tonight but I'm so tired 😫 I keep messing up and typing random stuff so I give up. There is always tomorrow.

Thanx for autocorrect (tonight).

Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery. 

 Today is a gift.   

Til tomorrow.



Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Day 28 with Effy

I had a lot of phone calls ☎️ to make today plus a few things on the internet💻 and also a few chores 🧹🧺🛒.
I finished the phone calls ☎️ and the internets 💻 done so all that's left are the chores🧹🧺🛒 and I don't 😔 want to do chores 🧹🧺🛒! who does 🤪?

What I really want to do is go down to the Fish Bowl 🐡 and Get Makey✂️🖍🖌🎨.

Such a dilemma 🤔.

I brought a few things up from the Fishbowl 🐡 last night because I thought I might want to work on them upstairs, where I can have the doors🚪and windows 🪟open. It's not like I don't have doors🚪 and  windows 🪟in The  Fish Bowl 🐡there's just a lot of cobwebs🕸 on them. YUK that might have to go on tomorrow's chore list, UGH I HATE spiders!!!🕷

So here is the deal I made with myself: one chore🧺, Get Makey✂️🖍🖌🎨 for awhile, another chore🧹, Get Makey✂️🖍🖌🎨 for a while, until all the chores are done and then I can just Get Makey✂️🖍🖌🎨 for the rest of the day.!!!

Today all the chores I have are really easy and simple so I'm should get to have  four or five hours of Getting Makey.✂️🖍🖌🎨

I need to make a card for a swap with my International Group this one was supposed to be An Easy Nature Card,🌳🌻🌵🌴 because it's an international group we can't use any leaves🍃 or grasses🌾or items like that, because of  sending to another country. I still have to figure out what I'm going to do. 🤔

My next swap is with a group and we are doing what we call Scavenger Hunt.
Each person takes a month and lists 4 things and we have to make a 3x5 spread using these items. This month just happens to be my month😁. The four items I chose were:
          Large paper clip 📎
Well, we will see 👀 what I come up.

Be back later to show you all the things I've done today when I was Getting Makey.✂️🖍🖌🎨
Ooh I'm late it's already tomorrow. 

Well I didn't get to get as Makey✂️🖍🖌🎨 as I thought I would. I was disappointed 😞. BUT I did get all my chores🧹🧺🛒done and tomorrow's too. So I guess I'm ahead of the game.
I did get two of my projects done. To make it easier I made them almost the same.

The Scavenger Hunt and then I adapted it a little and had something for my International group.

Pictures to follow😁😁😁

This is the Scavenger Hunt can you find everything.

This is my FAAAAABULOUS 😁😁adaptation for my International group.
What do ya 🤔?

Anything is possible 

Til tomorrow.


Monday, September 27, 2021

Day 26 with Effy


So today I will live up to my promise and show you a finished, well maybe not finished, one of my pieces from yesterday's Zoom class Faces and Figures.  
I still think it might need a little bit more work but here's a look anyway. 

Here's a picture of the ArtFoamie and a brush, that one of my friends calls her Zen brush. That I used to do a lot of the water coloring.

To make the background I made lots of Puddles of water and then put my brush into the paint and then put them into the puddles and swirl them around. 

When I looked at it after I had stamped I saw the lady's face as though she was looking sideways and I decided that I would give her hair but leave her kind of ethereal looking by not giving her any features. I gave her a glow all about the rest of her and then an arm to hold rings to match the rings around her head. I saw these kind of rings around a ladies head in a magazine but can't remember which one.

Let me know what you think.

That's all for today everybody have a good week.

My friend Riley told me:

Turn your mistakes

          into big perfection.

By the way Riley is 7.

Til tomorrow, 



Saturday, September 25, 2021

Day 25 with Effy

Sorry about yesterday. I just did not have anything in me to make an excerpt.

I am still trying to get the layout set up the way I want and this so aggravating to me. I hate being an illiterate computer person. I waste so much of my time trying to find and figure things out.

Well today I had a magnificent day.

Kae Pea from ArtFoamies, RubberMoon and the Moon and the Maker had a Zoom class. It was sooo fantastic I am not sure I can express how great it was. 

First I have to say I am in no way connected to Kae Pea and her businesses meaning I do not work for them. I only express how I feel about them and their products because I really believe in them.

Today's Zoom class way called:  Faces and Figures with ArtFoamies

Here is the description:  In this class we will explore faces and figures using ArtFoamies and mixed media art materials, to create imagery that is imaginative and intuitive. We will create a painting on a panel and multiple pieces of paper.

Most of the materials are things that most of us have in our studios. The only things needed that you might have to buy would be specific ArtFoamies. Even if you had some of the other Faces and Figure Foamies you could adapt with these and not have to purchase anything else. ( I myself didn't have all of the Foamies on the list but will be buying them because of all of the versatility they can do).

Kae Pea covered each Foamie and then did a project with it and the people participating asked questions and most played along. Then people showed off their work and took constructive criticism from the rest of us. We did this with each Foamie sometimes in multiple ways. Everyone participated either in showing their work or asking questions or telling each other about their work or about our own work.

Water colours and acrylic paints, gouauche, and gesso were the main items used to create the artwork. Even if you are or aren't an artist that is familiar with these items you can still participate in the class because the explanation and demos were easy to follow along.

We all decided at the end that it was a fantastic learning experience and that we all loved helping each other out and giving each other ideas.

I did not work along because my main table in The Fish Bowl (actually all my tables five in all) are all covered in stuff and I did not get it cleaned off in time to work along. I am going to work on cleaning my table off and gathering what I need after I post this so that I can create (and Get Makey as Kae Pea says) tomorrow and then I will share with you and with the people from the Zoom group.

Please go to The Moon and the Maker or ArtFoamies and check out this class and if you can, sign up. It is well worth the money and you will also be able to use a lot of the tips in other art projects you are doing or contemplating doing. Kae Pea is a very knowledgeable and is always willing to help anyone.

Art has a lot to share.

 Til tomorrow.