Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Day 14 with Effy

Today I woke up at 7:15 a.m. way to early for me so back to sleep I went. Anyone will tell you I am not a morning person.

Well I woke at 9:20 a.m. and went out to the great room, grabbed my phone and my " I've fallen and I can't get up" monitor, sat down and started reading stuff on my phone. 

Two hours later I came out from the phone and set about doing things. I'd start one thing and then got pulled into something artsy, so off I go to do a project, then I was hungry so I head to the fridge to get something to eat.

On my way to the fridge I see a note that I need to go down stairs and recharge the water softener. SO down the steps I go, and of course down there's the Fish Bowl so I get distracted by the Fish Bowl.

Because I am trying to organize the Fish Bowl a little bit at a time I see as few things I could do right now. 

Then my phone rings, of course my phone is upstairs. If it's important they will leave a message so then I do a little bit more organizing and head upstairs. 

When I get all the way upstairs I realized I never did push the button for recharging the water softener, down the stairs I go again and go right over to the water softener and hit the recharge button.  Yeah done. I was supposed to do it on the 10th, Oops. 

Then the phone rings again and I am downstairs and the phone is upstairs, what a dope I forgot it again.  Somebody could really be trying to get a hold of me it may not be the same person that called before,  but I should check. Upstairs I go, I listen to the message and it's important so they want me to call them back. That leads to a string of calls..

Going up and down the stairs is really hard for me. If you didn't know it I am an amputee and prosthetics don't bend and work as easily as the amputated part. Someday I'll share my story. But it is my lower right leg.

I realize that I'm really hungry I check the time 4:55p.m. OH NO it's time for Daily HeART with Kae Pea. So online I go for that.

After Kae Pea, I realized I haven't done my blog today, shoot I better get it done. So here I am talking to you.

Where did the time go and now I know why I'm up so late every night trying to finish the few little things on my list that day.  This happens everyday and each days list grows longer and longer because I didn't get anything done the day before. 

With all this babble and resignation I realize i get distracted easily.

With that I leave you with this.


"You might have to look hard,

but it's definitely there.

Stay strong and hopeful.

Everything will be OK in the end

If it's not OK, it's not the end!"


Til tomorrow.